Why Trees?

Trees help with cleaning the air we breathe, filter water that we drink, and can provide habitat to over 80% of the worlds terrestrial biodiversity! If that isn't enough, forests also provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in over 25% of all medicines. Remember that Aspirin you took this morning? It comes from the bark of a tree... just sayin

There are six main ways that explain why trees are so vital:

  • Air- Trees absorb harmful pollutants through their leaves and bark and release it as clean air
  • Water- Intricate root systems play a key role in capturing water to reduce risk of disasters such as landslides and floods. The roots also act as a filter, removing pollutants. Did you know a mature evergreen can take in over 3,900 gallons of water every year?
  • Biodiversity- One tree can be home to hundreds of fungi, mammals, insects, and so much more. Without trees, these would have no home.
  • Social Impact- Trees provide jobs be it arborists, researchers, and loggers. Trees play a vital role in other ways such as wood for shelters, heating, or even, in some parts of the world, a fuel source for cooking. Let's not forget the trees that produce food for consumption such as nuts, berries, fruits, and in some cases the leaves.
  • Health- Trees aid in the reduction of anxiety and stress while also providing shade from the harshness of the suns rays. Fun Fact: Hospital patients with views of trees and nature recover faster than those don't.
  • Climate- Trees can help cool the planet by taking in all of the greenhouse gases and releasing it back as oxygen. Trees also help to bring down ambient temperatures by as much as 20 degrees. With 50% of the worlds population living in cities and predicted to go up as much as 15%, overheating from gases will become more of a problem. On the bright side, a fully grown tree is able to take in on average 22 pounds of carbon dioxide every year.

Our Current Efforts

Alberta, Canada

Alberta has had near perfect conditions for their devastating forest fires due to the ever changing climate change. Once a spruce dominated mixed forest, the efforts of this project will not only be able to plant black and white spruce but tamarack, red osier dogwood, jack pine, balsam poplar, and a mix of native willow species as well.

Our efforts will help:

reforest the lands damaged by the devastating, record-setting fires

Give habitat back to the iconic biodiversity of the area such as migratory songbirds, raptors, owls, and black bears.

Show a positive impact for generations to come